The Croft School: Providence
The Lower School’s (179 Wayland) primary phone number is: (401) 248-7111.
The Upper School’s (144 Wayland) primary phone number is: (401) 210-1735.
Our addresses are:
Croft Providence Lower School: The Croft School, 179 Wayland Avenue, 2nd Floor, Providence, RI 02906.
Croft Providence Upper School: The Croft School, 144 Wayland Avenue, Providence, RI 02906.
However, the most reliable way to get mail to our school is via our PO Box: The Croft School, PO Box 301088, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Our Head of School, Annie Reinish, can be emailed at areinish@thecroftschool.org
Our Founder / Executive Director, Scott Given, can be emailed at sgiven@thecroftschool.org
The Croft School: Jamaica Plain
Our school’s primary phone number is: (617) 837-6957.
We are located at 3815 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02131 (on the JP/Roslindale line).
However, the most reliable way to get mail to our school is via our PO Box: The Croft School, PO Box 301088, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Our Head of School , Peter Cipparone, can be emailed at pcipparone@thecroftschool.org
Our Assistant Head of School, Shilpa Taneja, can be emailed at: staneja@thecroftschool.org
Our Founder / Executive Director, Scott Given, can be emailed at sgiven@thecroftschool.org
The Croft School: South End
Our school’s primary phone number is (857) 990-6525.
We are located at 1525 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02118.
However, the most reliable way to get mail to our school is via our PO Box: The Croft School, PO Box 301088, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Our Head of School , Cristina Lopez, can be emailed at clopez@thecroftschool.org
Our Founder / Executive Director, Scott Given, can be emailed at sgiven@thecroftschool.org