Parent 3.0
Introducing Parent 3.0
What is Parent 3.0?
The simplest answer is: redefining what is possible in the parent-school relationship. We quest to become the most parent-centric school in the world.
Here’s our point of view: Parents are the most important teacher. Parents are busy. If our school can make it a little easier to be a parent, then children get a better education. So, we will stop at nothing, big and small, to help you out.
An hour-long drop-off window (7:30-8:30am) before our program begins every morning.
Extended day options that operate until 5:30pm everyday
“Camp Croft,” the provision of child care when our school is closed for holidays and vacations
Team members at our front door to support efficient drop-off and pick-up, minimizing transition time (if desired)
Regular Friday movie nights for students & siblings, allowing families a night to themselves
Customizing communication frequency and style with each family to meet their preferences.
We believe that the elementary school years are tender ones. We are confident that students are better off if parents and teachers can truly collaborate. Ensuring outstanding parent-teacher communication is at the heart of Parent 3.0.
An annual before-the-year family conference each August, helping to establish mutual goals and set the foundation for a terrific school year
Real-time photos and updates to families’ mobile phones
A weekly emailed classroom newsletter that includes teaching strategies you can use at home
A weekly emailed newsletter from the Head of School
Opportunities to check in with your child’s teachers every day at drop-off and pick-up
Ample opportunities to connect more in-depth with your child’s teachers about your child’s progress
Two formal progress reports, detailing your child’s learning and progress, delivered to your home each year
Two formal in-person family-teacher conferences each year.
A deep commitment to transparent collaboration with families in the face of any challenge
Teachers who value and prioritize family communication and who have time built into their weekly schedules to build strong parent relationships
Being proactive to ensure families feel connected to our school and to one another.
We know that many families look to their children’s school as a way to engage in a tight-knit family community. We endeavor to facilitate the development of these bonds among our families.
An on-site family cafe* with complimentary coffee, tea, and snacks; WiFi access; and, most importantly, a place to feel comfortable at your child’s school and to meet other families
Active opportunities for governance and discussion with school leadership, allowing for families to significantly influence and support the development of their children’s school
An open-classroom policy - you are always welcome in your child’s class
Ample volunteer opportunities throughout the school and your child’s classroom, including on Friday trips
Many school-year events that are a celebration of learning and our community (e.g., our United Nations Day, our Harvest Feast, our Winter Solstice Celebration, our 100th Day of School Festivities; and our Grand Friends Day)
Many weekend (and summer!) social events for families
Regular potluck dinner conversations for all Croft families, often featuring guest speakers.
* JP only
Delivering outstanding service to every family member in the Croft community, always.
This is more of an ethos than a list of services or attributes. We endeavor for our leadership and teachers to do all that we can to be as responsive to each family’s needs and outreach as we can, so long as we can do so in a way that is sustainable and healthy for our team and school. Most importantly, we will endeavor to always listen with empathy to what is on your mind and to always respond in a thoughtful and personalized way, seeing you as a true partner in building Croft and enhancing your own child’s schooling experience.
This doesn't always mean that we’ll be able to say “yes” to each individual family request, but it does mean that we’ll do our best to explain a “why” if the answer is no. This doesn’t mean we’ll modify a policy or decision in response to critical feedback or concern, but it does mean that we’ll value your input and articulate our rationale. And this doesn’t mean we’ll always have the perfect answer or advice when you have a question (be it about schooling or parenting), but we’ll certainly do our very best to try.