Family Portal

Welcome to the Providence Family Portal, through which you may find the most up-to-date information about the happenings at school. Within each grade, there are links to google documents and slide decks that include the class’ weekly learning objectives and weekly newsletters.

Summer 2021 Learning Resources are HERE

COVID Testing Hotline (7:30am-9:30pm, 7 days per week) - 844-857-1814

School-Wide Information


We update our newsletter at the end of each week, you may find this week’s newsletter, organized by date, in the monthly folder found here: Kindergarten Newsletter

Learning Objectives

Take a sneak-peak at our upcoming learning goals. Learning objectives are organized by date, and are found in the respective cohort’s google slide deck: Kindergarten Learning Objectives. You can also access weekly enrichment videos here.

Remote Learners

If your child is a remote learner, use this document to access your Zoom schedule and links for Morning Meeting, your Zoom schedule and links for academic instruction with Ms. Michelle, and your Zoom schedule and links for office hours with Ms. Kiley: Zoom Schedule and Links

When your child's class is in remote learning, you can use this link to access your child's teacher's At-Home Learning Plans.


We update our newsletter at the end of each week, you may find this week’s newsletter, organized by date, in the monthly folder found here: First Grade Newsletter

Learning Objectives

Take a sneak-peak at our upcoming learning goals. Learning objectives are organized by date, and are found in the respective cohort’s google slide deck: First Grade Learning Objectives. You can also access weekly enrichment videos here.

Remote Learners

If your child is a remote learner, use this document to access your Zoom schedule and links for Morning Meeting, your Zoom schedule and links for academic instruction with Ms. Michelle, and your Zoom schedule and links for office hours with Ms. Kiley: Zoom Schedule and Links

When your child's class is in remote learning, you can use this link to access your child's teacher's At-Home Learning Plans.


We update our newsletter at the end of each week, you may find this week’s newsletter, organized by date, in the monthly folder found here: Second Grade Newsletter

Learning Objectives

Take a sneak-peak at our upcoming learning goals. Learning objectives are organized by date, and are found in the respective cohort’s google slide deck: Second Grade Learning Objectives. You can also access weekly enrichment videos here.

Remote Learners

If your child is a remote learner, use this document to access your Zoom schedule and links for Morning Meeting, your Zoom schedule and links for academic instruction with Ms. Michelle, and your Zoom schedule and links for office hours with Ms. Kiley: Zoom Schedule and Links

When your child's class is in remote learning, you can use this link to access your child's teacher's At-Home Learning Plans.